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The Art of GraphQL in Magento 2

Become familiar & proficient with GraphQL in Magento 2 by learning how to write schemas, queries, mutations, interfaces & more.

31 lessons

2h 15m

If you've been confused about GraphQL and just aren't sure what it's about, but are getting ready to start your headless Magento build... you've come to the right place 😄

This course was developed for those new to GraphQL but experienced in Magento 2 development. We'll go through all of that weird terminology such as schemas, queries, mutations, interfaces & more, and simplify it to the point where it's actually easy for you to understand.

Each lesson in this course is video-based, so you'll be able to follow along visually. There are also coding exercises to test your knowledge while you learn, along with a quiz at the end of each section to make sure you know your stuff before continuing.

No more GraphQL confusion! 🤯

Master GraphQL in Magento with visual, step-by-step videos

No more messy GraphQL terminology 📚

Implementing GraphQL in Magento can be an intimidating mess of unfamiliar terms and concepts.

This course teaches you GraphQL fundamentals, visually, to eliminate confusion and frustration.

  • Learn by watching

    Follow along as the instructor builds GraphQL schemas, queries, mutations and more right before your eyes. Absorb concepts faster than reading docs.

  • Full source code

    All code from the videos is available on GitHub so you can easily reference it later when implementing your own headless storefront.

GraphQL confused man

Schemas, resolvers, mutations and more 🚀

Even experienced Magento devs can struggle with GraphQL's learning curve.

Skip the stress of piecing GraphQL together yourself. This course strategically guides you through everything step-by-step.

  • Code along with videos

    Pause, rewind, speed up or slow down videos to code alongside lessons at your own pace. Boost retention by practicing as you learn.

  • Beginner-friendly

    Terminology and concepts are simplified and explained visually to make GraphQL in Magento easy to grasp, even for beginners.

GraphQL abstract

Course curriculum

Each video lesson can be played back & referenced as many times as you wish at slow or fast speed, tech-friendly closed captions, and full source code.

Includes English captions, and Spanish translations provided by Google Translate

31 lessons

2h 15m

Introduction to GraphQL in Magento 2

Overview of GraphQL
Overview of GraphQL
Understand GraphiQL by Writing Your First Query
Understand GraphiQL by Writing Your First Query
How GraphQL Works Under the Hood
How GraphQL Works Under the Hood

GraphQL Query Basics in Magento 2

Learn GraphQL Query Structure
Learn GraphQL Query Structure
Filter Queries with Arguments
Filter Queries with Arguments
Exercise: Retrieve URL Data using GraphQL
Exercise: Retrieve URL Data using GraphQL
Perform Schema Introspection in Magento 2
Perform Schema Introspection in Magento 2
Exercise: Query Details for a Specific GraphQL Type
Exercise: Query Details for a Specific GraphQL Type
Explicit and Implicit Query Keywords in GraphQL
Explicit and Implicit Query Keywords in GraphQL
Use Variables in GraphQL Queries
Use Variables in GraphQL Queries

GraphQL Query Techniques in Magento 2

Implement Pagination in GraphQL Queries
Implement Pagination in GraphQL Queries
Apply Advanced Filtering & Sorting in GraphQL
Apply Advanced Filtering & Sorting in GraphQL
Exercise: Query Magento Category Data with Filtering and Nested Fields
Exercise: Query Magento Category Data with Filtering and Nested Fields
Apply Aliases in GraphQL Queries
Apply Aliases in GraphQL Queries
Create and Use Fragments
Create and Use Fragments
Utilize Inline Fragments
Utilize Inline Fragments
Work with Directives
Work with Directives
Configure Store Views for Queries
Configure Store Views for Queries
Utilize HTTP Headers in GraphQL Queries
Utilize HTTP Headers in GraphQL Queries

Extending GraphQL in Magento 2

Prep Your Environment for GraphQL Development
Prep Your Environment for GraphQL Development
Understand GraphQL Schema Definition Language Files
Understand GraphQL Schema Definition Language Files
Add a New Field to Existing GraphQL Schema
Add a New Field to Existing GraphQL Schema
Create a New GraphQL Schema
Create a New GraphQL Schema

GraphQL Resolvers in Magento 2

Understand GraphQL Resolvers
Understand GraphQL Resolvers
Breakdown of the ResolverInterface
Breakdown of the ResolverInterface
Create a Custom Field Resolver
Create a Custom Field Resolver
Exercise: Create a Custom Query Resolver
Exercise: Create a Custom Query Resolver
Use Context in Resolvers
Use Context in Resolvers

GraphQL Mutations in Magento 2

Learn About Mutations in Magento
Learn About Mutations in Magento
Use Variables in Mutations
Use Variables in Mutations
Access GraphQL Arguments Programmatically
Access GraphQL Arguments Programmatically

Calling GraphQL from External Applications

Execute GraphQL Requests with Insomnia
Execute GraphQL Requests with Insomnia
Details of Executing a GraphQL Query
Details of Executing a GraphQL Query
Perform a GraphQL Mutation to Create Data
Perform a GraphQL Mutation to Create Data
Use Authentication Tokens with GraphQL Endpoints
Use Authentication Tokens with GraphQL Endpoints
Exercise: Perform a GraphQL Mutation to Update Data
Exercise: Perform a GraphQL Mutation to Update Data
This course retails for
$ 199
* Individual course enrollment no longer available.
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Get access to all current & future courses at M.academy.

Having been handed TaxJar's Magento integrations as a seasoned PHP & Node developer, I found Magento to be uncharted territory. Self-learning proved challenging due to the lack of substantial online resources.

It was your courses at M.academy that turned things around, equipping me to pass the Adobe Commerce certification in a brief 6 months. The naturally conversational & comprehensive style shed light on Magento's inner workings, helping me admire and eventually, enjoy working with the framework. While I find your content perfect, I simply crave more of such wisdom. A heartfelt thank you for your guidance.

Seth Obey
Seth Obey Seth Obey
Software Engineer, Stripe

Frequently asked questions

Who is this course meant for?
This course is designed for developers with a fundamental knowledge of Magento 2, who want to elevate their API development skills using GraphQL. Unlock the inner workings of Magento's API tooling to create powerful, adaptable, and efficient online stores.
What do I need to know to take this course?
To get the most out of this course, you should already be familiar with Magento 2 core development. Previous experience with APIs is advantageous but not required. This course assumes you have little to no knowledge of GraphQL, and covers all of the basics along the way.
Do I need a development environment setup?
Yes, this course assumes you have a running development environment of Magento setup and running locally. If you don't already have a development environment setup, please set one up before enrolling in the course. M.academy has a free course, Set Up a Magento 2 Development Environment with Docker.
What version of Magento is this based on?
This course was created using concepts featured in Magento version 2.4.6. If a new best-practice approach is introduced in a future version of Magento 2, the course will be updated appropriately.
This course comes with access to Maggie, your personal Magento tutor!

Maggie Bolt 💁‍♀️

Hi, I'm Maggie! 👋

Your dedicated Magento 2 mentor, on-hand 24/7 within all premium courses to help guide you through your learning journey.

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