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Magento Message Queues with RabbitMQ

All about message queues in Magento, including configuring, implementing and coding up queues with RabbitMQ.

34 lessons

2h 28m

The elusive world of Magento message queues and RabbitMQ integration. You've heard about it and know it can take your Magento skills to the next level. But every time you try to wrap your head around concepts like producers, consumers, exchanges and queues, it makes you want to crawl back into your safe, cozy PHP code. 😓

You start searching for resources to help demystify this dark art of asynchronous Magento. Only to find piecemeal blog posts that assume you already know the basics.

Or lengthy enterprise architecture documents that feel like quantum physics. 🤯

You wonder if you'll ever make sense of this message queue madness. Maybe you don't have what it takes... but that little voice inside is lying to you! You can absolutely conquer message queues, but the resources you need just don't exist yet.

Until now! This course is designed to take you from zero knowledge to message queue guru. No confusing theory or outdated info -- just a clear, step-by-step video course to ensure you properly learn how RabbitMQ works with Magento.

The days of being intimidated by Magento message queues is over.

Course curriculum

Each video lesson can be played back & referenced as many times as you wish at slow or fast speed, tech-friendly closed captions, and full source code.

Spanish, Portuguese, French & German translations provided by Google Translate

34 lessons

2h 28m

Just launched January 29, 2024!

RabbitMQ Concepts

Course Intro & Prerequisites
Course Intro & Prerequisites
What makes up a Message Queue?
What makes up a Message Queue?
Why Use a Message Queue?
Why Use a Message Queue?

RabbitMQ First Steps

Connect to the RabbitMQ web interface
Connect to the RabbitMQ web interface
Create a sentiment analysis module
Create a sentiment analysis module
Configure XML schema mappings in PhpStorm
Configure XML schema mappings in PhpStorm

RabbitMQ Topics

Create a queue topic
Create a queue topic
Bind a topic to an exchange
Bind a topic to an exchange

RabbitMQ Publishers

Create a queue publisher
Create a queue publisher
Determine the publish message architecture
Determine the publish message architecture
Publish a message to the queue
Publish a message to the queue

RabbitMQ Consumers

Create a queue consumer
Create a queue consumer
Sign up for the Sentiment Analysis API
Sign up for the Sentiment Analysis API
Update the queue consumer to call the API
Update the queue consumer to call the API
Catch exceptions from calling APIs
Catch exceptions from calling APIs
Start a message queue consumer process
Start a message queue consumer process
Understand Cron vs CLI queue consumers
Understand Cron vs CLI queue consumers
Deserialize message data from the queue
Deserialize message data from the queue
Alternate Magento message queues handler approach
Alternate Magento message queues handler approach

Exercise: Store & Display API Responses

Exercise steps
Exercise steps
Create a new pivot table
Create a new pivot table
Create the data model & resource model
Create the data model & resource model
Save the API response to the database
Save the API response to the database
Locate layout & template files
Locate layout & template files
Add a custom template file to a layout
Add a custom template file to a layout
Display API responses with a ViewModel
Display API responses with a ViewModel
Store the API Key in system config
Store the API Key in system config

Publish Module

When to refactor code
When to refactor code
Refactor code for publishing
Refactor code for publishing
Configure composer.json for module distribution
Configure composer.json for module distribution
Create a README file
Create a README file
Push the module to GitHub
Push the module to GitHub
Publish the module to Packagist
Publish the module to Packagist


Next steps
Next steps
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$ 199
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Frequently asked questions

Who is this course meant for?
This course is designed for experienced Magento developers looking to learn more about job & worker queues. You are expected to know Magento 2 backend programming fundamentals, which can be learned in the Magento 2 Coding Kickstart course.
What version of Magento & Adobe Commerce is this course based on?
This course was created for newer versions of Magento, specifically versions 2.4.4+, and uses concepts from PHP 8.1+.